Helland Engineering & Surveying, Ltd.

SERVICES OFFERED (but not limited to)
Members of the American Land Title Association (ALTA) have specific needs, uniqueto title insurance matters, when asked to insure title to land without exception as to the many matterswhich might be discoverable from survey and inspection, and which are not evidenced by the public records. For a survey of real property, and the plat, map or record of such survey, to be acceptable to a title insurance company for the purpose of insuring title to said real property free and clear of survey matters (except those matters disclosed by the survey and indicated on the plat or map), certain specific and pertinent information must be presented for the distinct and clear understanding between the insured, theclient (if different from the insured), the title insurance company (insurer), the lender, and the surveyorprofessionally responsible for the survey. In order to meet such needs, clients, insurers, insureds, and lenders are entitled to rely on surveyors to conduct surveys and prepare associated plats or maps that are of a professional quality and appropriately uniform, complete and accurate. To that end, and in the interests of the general public, the surveying profession, title insurers and abstracters, the ALTA and the National Society of Professional Surveyors,Inc. (NSPS) jointly established minimum standards of performance for ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys. 2011 MINIMUM STANDARD DETAIL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEYS
Whether you need a retracement survey (i.e. surveying an existing legal description) or you need to create a new parcel, we can fullfill your requirements for either residential or commercial, urban or rural properties. Upon completeion of field work a "Plat of Survey" will be prepared and recorded in the county in which the survey was completed. We also prepare location surveys for mortgage companies, which is a "Plat of Survey" including the location of any structure on the property.
We can prepare a Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.), Elevation Certificate required by mortgage companies on property that FEMA shows by their Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) to be in a "Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)". Some properties will qualify for an "eLOMA" which expidites the application process greatly.
If Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) shows your property to be in a "Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)", but by elevation your Lowest Adjacent Grade (LAG) to your structure is above the 100 year Base Flood Elevation (BFE), then we can complete a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or a Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F) application to try and remove either your property or structure from the Special Flood Hazard Area.
If you or your firm are performing construction activities that will disturb existing monuments (i.e. control points, bench marks, government corners, boundary corners, etc.) then you or your firm need to file a "Monument preservation certificate" that is recorded in the county in which the work was performed.
SERVICES OFFERED (but not limited to)
Whether you need help positioning a new structure or laying out a new driveway or road, we can supply you with accurate horizontal and vertical control.
We have the equipment and experience in high accuracy positioning of many types of equipment.
Generally a split of property into three or more parcels requires a Major Subdivision. We can prepare "Prelimimary Plats" which generally involves locating the existing topography of the parcel along with any existing improvements and showing any proposed inprovements and the layout of the new parcels. Upon approval by the juridicitional governing body of the "Prelimimary Plat" we then would prepare a "Final Plat" which would be a graphical representation of the subdivisoin of land.
A topographical survey is an engineering process used to map the surface of the earth showing the location of both natural and man-made structures within a defined area. A topograhical survey would show all improvements and contour lines.
A common conventional method for managing stormwater is a stormwater basin. Basins are meant to collect stormwater and slowly release it at a controlled rate so that downstream areas are not flooded or eroded. While effective for flood control, these practices have significant limitations for water quality treatment and for preventing impacts to stream systems. The main difference between a detention and a retention basin is whether or not it has a permanent pool of water. The water level is established by the low flow orifice. Most of the time the orifice is part of a metal or concrete structure called a riser. A detention, or dry, basin has an orifice level with the bottom of the basin so that all of the water eventually drains out and it remains dry between storms – hence, a dry basin. Retention basins have a riser with an orifice at a higher point so that it retains a permanent pool of water. The basins themselves are important for storing and slowing (attenuating) the runoff from impervious surfaces such as rooftops or pavement. The amount of treatment, or cleaning, of the water is limited. Dry detention basins control flood flows only. A retention basin can also provide water quality benefits by reducing sediments and attached pollutants.
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